Arthur's Pass National Park

Photos and text by Jonathan Carr

Lake Kaurapataka, Winter sunset (24k) On the way to the Otehake hot springs (45k)
  • The Otehake hot springs at night (16k).
  • The Otehake river by moonlight (15k)
  • Descending the East Edwards in Summer (28k) Moonrise on Tarn Col (27k)
  • Mirror reflections - West Coast rain forest (47k)
  • Harman Pass, Ariel Tarns (55k)Julia creek hot springs (26k)
  • Bolder-bash: the Waimakariri river! (76k)
  • The Waimakariri river (26k)
  • Scrambling up Mt Oates in Summer (25k)
    Mt Oates in Winter (53k) Avalanche Peak (15k)
    Lake Mavis - a great place to camp in Summer (46k) & (17k)
    Snow caving on Mt Bealey (22k) Climbing on Mt Rolleston - Crow face (18k)
    Norwest - Mt Rolleston (22k) Otira Slide - Mt Rolleston (25k)
  • Norwest front over the Waimakariri (19k)
  • Temple Basin Ski field - The University of Canterbury's own ski resort (17k)
  • Above the Crow valley (11k)
  • The Crow Face of Mt Rolleston (39k)
  • The Otehake spiders! (31k)
  • The Otehake river in flood (15k)
  • The Otira valley in summer (33k)
  • The island campsite in the Otehake (70K!)
  • The Taipo river & me! (15k)

  • Tramping I | Tramping II | Tramping III | People | Jonathan's gallery
    Copyright (c) 1996 Jonathan Carr